Random Thoughts and Tasting Notes: 2010 Decatur Wine Festival

Autumn is my favorite time of year. The changing leaves, cool weather, and thoughts of the holidays put me in a good mood, and, of course, there are fun festivals. No, I’m not talking about harvest festivals. My favorite by far has to be the Decatur Wine Festival.This year’s Wine Fest was particularly good, likely

Decatur Wine Festival: This Year’s Tips

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This year’s Decatur Wine Festival has a focus on organic and sustainably produced wines. In the same spirit, this is a sustainable blog post in that I’ve recycled some of last year’s etiquette and survival post. Now that we’ve all survived the elections, who wants a glass of wine? Or several? Seriously, whoever planned the

Decatur Wine Fest: The Good, The Bad, and the Warmish

When I first heard that the Decatur Wine Festival was always held the first full weekend in November, I was shocked. “Are you crazy?” I thought. “The weather is going to be terrible!” I’ve now attended the Wine Fest three years in a row, and each time, the weather has been fantastic, although the beginning

Decatur Wine Festival: Survival and Etiquette

For those who don’t know, the Decatur Wine Festival is a fundraiser for the Decatur Arts Alliance. The event takes over the Decatur Square from the area behind the Old Courthouse (where the Bandstand is) to the part of the square on top of the MARTA station. Last year there were fifty tables, each from

Remembering better times…when it was actually warm outside!

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People who live outside the Southeast are often surprised at how cold it can get in the winter. We’ve also been pretty dismayed at this year’s turn of temperatures. My personal indicators of “when it gets cold” — wearing my long wool/cashmere coat, having to bring the potted plants inside at night, putting flannel sheets