According to Blogger, this is my 50th post! w00t! Thanks to all my loyal readers. You may be quiet, but I know you’re out there; I’ve got software that tells me so. Don’t worry, you don’t have to go put your aluminum foil hats on, it only tells me numbers, no personal information. And maybe …
Oenophile at Large: Restaurant Reviews of Food 101 and Cottage Ethiopian Cuisine
Yes, that’s right, two restaurants in the past week. Well, three, but I’m only up for talking about two this evening. Hubby has been super busy with work stuff, and I’ve been stressing over a major career change, so we’ve been feeling very low-effort in the kitchen. We made Baby Bam Burgers tonight (recipe no …
Random Thoughts: Summer Desserts and a Bad Service Warning
T.S. Eliot started his poem “The Waste Land,” with “April is the cruellest month…” I would like to differ and argue that the cruelest months are June through August. Why? Because it’s peak season for peaches and berries, fruits that just beg to be put in pies! Although we live less than two miles from …
Tasting Notes: Rosé Wines and Staff Picks at Sherlock’s
“If you’re a dude drinking pink wine, you’d better be prepared to take some crap!” Those words, spoken by one of our fellow wine taster’s school colleagues, gives us an idea of how the infamous pink stuff is still viewed by many people. Lettie Teague, one of my favorite Food & Wine Magazine authors, called …
Random Thoughts: Why I’m drinking wine this week
Normally I don’t post in the middle of the day, but my computer is busy setting up my next batch of work, so I thought I’d pop in and share some thoughts. I’m having a sleepy day, so these will likely follow an intuitive, right-brained track. Just wanted to give you fair warning. I’m so …
(Busy) Oenophile at Large: Aquaknox and Kyma
Apologies to those of you who have been waiting two whole weeks since my last post! Life has been crazy busy. As I mentioned in my profile, I’m an aspiring writer, and I actually had an agent take interest in my fantasy novel. She requested the entire manuscript, so I had to do some final …
Oenophile at Large: Restaurant Reviews, Sage and Eddie’s Attic
First, thanks to all who came out for the fund raiser at JavaMonkey last Thursday. I don’t have official figures, but the attendance was really good. The wine was, too. Before the event, Hubby and I had dinner at Sage. We hadn’t been there in a while, and we were both disappointed to see that …
Happy Canada Day, eh?
Dear fellow oenophiles, Today is Canada Day, at least for a couple more hours in the corner of the world where I sit. It’s a time to honor that great big frozen country to the north of us and assure them that no, really, we don’t think of them as the 51st state! It’s also …
Tasting Notes: Aussie Wines, JavaMonkey Thursday Wine Series, 6/29/08
Pre-tasting notes: I would like to remind everyone of the fund raiser for the JavaMonkey Barista who was in a scooter accident earlier this month. It’s this coming Thursday, July 3, and there will be $3 beer, $5 wine, and a silent auction with donations from several Decatur businesses and local artists. So come on …
Oenophile at Large: Restaurant Reviews
It’s been a crazy busy week for the Oenophile and Hubby. I had one of those marketing lecture thingies that happens every so often in my “other life” (see: job I get paid for) on Wednesday evening. This particular adventure took me to Nan Fine Thai Dining at the corner of Spring and 17th in …