With New Year’s Eve coming up, many people wonder about what would be a good, reasonable sparkling wine to open at or prior to midnight of the newish decade. Yes, time geeks have informed me that the new decade doesn’t technically start until 2011, but if I have to remember to change two numbers when …
Winery Review: North Georgia, Part II — Tiger Mountain
Hubby and I decided to take a few days and come up to Asheville, North Carolina to recover from what always turns out to be a crazy time of year with his job. Since we were going right past it, we stopped by Tiger Mountain Vineyards in Tiger, Georgia. The tasting room itself is inside …
Friday Flash Fiction: 12 Days of Decatur (GA)
I am excited to have collaborated with Hubby on this one. The concept for the piece as well as many of the specifics were his ideas. We live in Decatur, Georgia, which is a suburb of Atlanta but has its own unique identity. If you’d like to read more great flash fiction, search the #fridayflash …
Dinner and a Show: Second City’s “Peach Drop, Stop, and Roll” and Dinner at Restaurant Eugene
For those who aren’t familiar with the Second City, you’re missing out on the improv/sketch comedy troupe that started the careers of famous comedians such as Tina Fey, Dan Aykroyd, and Stephen Colbert. They even gave us SCTV with the lovable Bob & Doug MacKenzie and one of my favorite versions of “The Twelve Days …
Friday Flash Fiction: Please, Christmas!
One of my Twitter friends once told me that he’s never sure whether I’ll be tweeting about wine or writing. To me, the two aren’t mutually exclusive, although I wrote this one today during breaks between appointments so I could get it done by the wine tasting. I consider it to be a different take …
Tasting Notes and Dinner Review: Rodney Strong/Feast Wine Dinner
So it seems to be remote correspondent/guest blogger day at the Random Oenophile. I also have friends that will eat, drink, and make merry notes for me. I’m a lucky girl, right? Regular guest blogger Dan Browning recently attended a wine dinner at Feast that featured wines from Rodney Strong. Click here for his notes. …
Tasting Notes from the West Coast
It’s so nice to have friends who are willing to drink for you! I recently received some more tasting notes on Washington wines from West Coast Correspondent James Bassett. All content below is his: Renegade Wine Co.2008 Red WineColumbia Valley, WA “Glasses? We don’t need no stinking glasses!” So it says on the label, which …
Friday Flash Fiction: Morning Vespas
There’s a great writing community on Twitter, and every week, several of them post flash fiction. This is my contribution for the week. You can find other stories by searching the #fridayflash hashtag on Twitter. Morning Vespas “How long have you been involved with a motorcycle gang, Mrs. Dougherty?” “Oh, heavens, they’re not motorcycles!” The …
Holiday Wine Suggestions
Just a small addition to the previous post — for a more comprehensive list of Georgia wineries, try the Georgia Wine Country web site. Our own wineries have been encouraging us to “Drink Local,” so check them out! Okay, back to the business at hand. It’s the holidays, and people have been asking me about …
Tasting Notes & Winery Reviews: Three Sisters & Blackstock (North Georgia)
Happy Thanksgiving to my U.S. readers! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and is having a great weekend. My assignment was to bring apple pie and macaroni & cheese. Both turned out really good: I’d like to declare a mulligan for November, please. The month started with a thrown-out back, then a hurt neck, …