Just a quick note: as you may have noticed in my header, I changed the expected update frequency to 1-2 times/week. My job now requires me to carry a laptop computer all freakin’ day long instead of just when I’m doing paperwork, and due to my tendonitis, I have to ration my non-work computer time. …
Category: Uncategorized
Tasting Notes: Italian Wines at Java Monkey on 4/17/08
The suspense leading up to last Thursday’s wine tasting was interesting because we didn’t know what sort of wines we’d get due to the tasting theme not having been decided until the weekend before. I figured it was going to be a “wines from somewhere” tasting because we haven’t had one of those in a …
Oenophile at Large: Restaurant Adventures
Last Friday’s dismal weather gave us the excuse to stay in town and celebrate one of our friends getting his architect’s license. It will be interesting to see how well it works for picking up chicks at bars. After some revelry, Hubby and I decided to head toward the Inman Park/Old Fourth Ward areas for …
Tasting Notes: Pinot Noirs at Java Monkey’s Thursday Night Tasting 3/27/08
Wow, there’s nothing like sitting down to write a blog entry and having one’s husband come in with a red-stained shirt saying something in a fake Italian accent about having to hurt someone. Unfortunately this tasting notes entry isn’t about the Sangiovese brothers or their cousin Chianti, but rather Pinot Noir, who is quite the …
Date night! Restaurant Review: Trois
On Wednesday evening, Hubby and I went on a theater date to see “Avenue Q,” which is, essentially, a Sesame Street-type musical for grownups. It’s absolutely hysterical but not for those who are easily shocked, as you can tell with the opening number, “It sucks to be me.” You also learn that “It’s okay to …
Tasting Notes: Blind Tasting at Java Monkey
The most educational type of wine tasting is the blind tasting, where, stripped of preconceptions associated with type, you can really get into the characteristics of the wine itself. You can also find out how much you really don’t know. This was my experience at Java Monkey’s most recent tasting. 1. Martin Hugl Gruner Veltliner, …
Oenophile at large (restaurant review three-fer)
Greetings, fellow Oenophiles! Apologies for the slow blogging this week — it’s been busy, and then my computer decided to crash out on me. Thanks to tech support (i.e., computer genius husband), it’s working again. Last Saturday, we had the pleasant surprise of a visit from my parents. They got stuck in Atlanta thanks to …
Tasting Notes: ABC’s of Wine (Java Monkey Thursday Wine Series)
ABC’s stands for “Anything but Chardonnay or Cabernet,” and this is what we got. Jess and wine rep Chuck (who will introduce himself as “Sacajawea,” but don’t be fooled) put together an interesting and tasty program. It could also be dubbed as the night for “Wines that are hard to spell.” Minini Orvieto 2006, Orvieto …
Winery Review: Meinhardt Vineyards
Meinhardt Vineyards and Winery, located in Statesboro with a tasting room in the Downtown City Market of Savannah (according to their brochure), makes only one kind of wine: Muscadine. Hubby speculated this before we went into the tasting room, but as the Random-Oenophile who eschews snobbery and pretention, I felt it my duty, nay, obligation …
Saturday in Savannah: Sunny with a chance of wine
Saturday morning we woke up to the smells of breakfast: the salty tang of ham, the mouth-watering fruit topping for the waffles, and coffee, which, sadly, was nowhere in reach until we got dressed and went downstairs. The Foley House offered a choice of one of three breakfasts, the Basic Foley, which was typical eggs/grits/breakfast …