Cecilia Dominic and her husband started blogging about wine in 2008 after finding themselves at a loss about where to direct the energy they’d been putting into caring for a sick cat, who sadly passed away at the end of 2007. Cecilia explored her options – get a puppy, have a baby, or start a wine blog – and decided that the wine blog would involve less work and a lot less cleanup. Plus having a baby would mean she couldn’t drink wine for nine months, and that just wasn’t acceptable.
The Random Oenophile was born in January 2008. Cecilia chose to blog under a pen name since she’s an allied healthcare provider and lives in a state where there are a lot of people who still have archaic attitudes about alcohol. It’s just best to keep some things separate.
The blog rolled merrily along until 2013, when Cecilia broke into fiction (which you can find out more about on her author page). While she included plenty of diet-breaking description of food and wine into her novels, the blogging tapered off as she established herself in that world. Now she and Hubby are back to blogging, still drinking, but exploring wine and food in a healthier way. Mostly. There will still be some splurges.
By the way, we’re still looking for a picture that Hubby finds acceptable. Meanwhile, here’s Cecilia: